

The depth of experience this firm brings to the table dates back before the utilization of Billing Codes, annual/bi-annual Attorney Litigation Reports, and Outside Billing Vendors… but also with full current experience as to the need for and importance of these case handling protocols.

That same depth of experience covers that place and time when the only “lien” of concern was Workers Compensation, up to the current experience requiring careful attorney attention to Medicaid Liens, Medicare Liens, Medicare Set-Asides, and Fully Funded and lienable Business Provided Employee Health Care Plans.

That same depth of experience recalls jury trials from days past with a demonstrative exhibit or two, transformed today by technology allowing for live remote witness testimony and instantaneous document by all jurors.

With all of the above and more in mind, the MPR Law Firm is ready to consult with parties and their attorneys as well as the Insurance industry, on a diverse range of litigation matters, whether in suit or contemplated…for strategic and tactical support.

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